Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Periodontist: Severe Gum Disease

Dentist Phoenix - Periodontist: Severe Gum Disease
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Do you know about - Periodontist: Severe Gum Disease

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Despite the determination of gum disease, a periodontist can help patients treat the issue and find ways to forestall it from reoccurring. Some risk factors increase a person's chances of experiencing either gingivitis or periodontitis and should be addressed immediately. When left untreated, this issue can cause pain in the mouth as well as the loss of teeth.

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How is Periodontist: Severe Gum Disease

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Dentist Phoenix.

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. Everyone's mouth is full of bacteria. One of the reasons that brushing and flossing is so foremost involves removing the build up on teeth created by the bacteria. In the starting plaque begins to form on the teeth and as it hardens, it turns into tarter. No amount of brushing, flossing, or even rinsing with mouthwash can take off the tarter. An appointment must be scheduled with a dentist or periodontist for a complete cleaning.

If left untreated, gingivitis can increase in severity and at last turn into periodontitis. The area around a tooth becomes inflamed and in some cases, the gums begin to distance themselves from the teeth, leaving a gap. This gap is often called a pocket by a periodontist and of course gets infected. Once infected, the body begins to try and fight the infection. Unfortunately, this means that it often attacks the bone and tissue that are keeping the teeth in place. When this happens, teeth come to be loose and many need to be pulled out with by a periodontist.

Most habitancy do not feel signs of either gum disease until they are in his or her 30's or 40's. Symptoms include things like bad breath that will not go away despite attempts at brushing, flossing, and rinsing. The gums often come to be swollen and red, tender to the touch, and sometimes bleeding occurs. In the later stages teeth may feel loose and a person may struggle to chew or bite down without pain.

A periodontist will work with a inpatient to get a handle on the gum disease and take steps to insure that it is not reoccurring. The first step is to treat the infection. Once the infection is gone, a person can receive a full teeth cleaning and work to keep up salutary oral hygiene habits at home. In some cases a deep cleaning will take place. The dentist scrapes off the tarter from the teeth and sometimes below the gum line. This takes care of the pockets that often attract and cultivate bacteria.

If you believe that you may be experiencing gum disease or have any of the signs or symptoms, it is foremost to schedule an appointment with a expert as soon as possible. While gum disease itself is an issue that needs to be taken care of, it can also be a warning sign for other problems that need to be addressed.

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