Tuesday, June 5, 2012

yearly Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Yin Red Fire Pig Year - Pig Sign (Chinese Zodiac)

Phoenix Dentist - yearly Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Yin Red Fire Pig Year - Pig Sign (Chinese Zodiac)
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Do you know about - yearly Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Yin Red Fire Pig Year - Pig Sign (Chinese Zodiac)

Phoenix Dentist! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, correct and loved by millions over the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic thought of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are linked with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese every year Horoscopes are basically built nearby these 12 Animal Signs.

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How is yearly Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Yin Red Fire Pig Year - Pig Sign (Chinese Zodiac)

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Phoenix Dentist.

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start in any place between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Pig (or Boar or Hog), you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the "Pig (or Boar or Hog)" :

From 30 Jan 1911 to 17 Feb 1912

From 16 Feb 1923 to 04 Feb 1924

From 04 Feb 1935 to 23 Jan 1936

From 22 Jan 1947 to 09 Feb 1948

From 08 Feb 1959 to 27 Jan 1960

From 27 Jan 1971 to 14 Feb 1972

From 13 Feb 1983 to 01 Feb 1984

From 31 Jan 1995 to 18 Feb 1996

from 18 Feb 2007 to 6 Feb 2008

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2007 is the 4704th year and significantly, is also the fourth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 18th February 2007 to 6th February 2008. The next Chinese New Year, the Yang Earth Rat will begin on 7th February 2008.

Enjoy the every year Forecasts and learn about the recommend Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the arrival "New Lunar Year 2007 : Ding Hai, the Year of the Yin Red Fire Pig" :

Career A very unstable year with your luck in it's lowest ebb. Your path is laid with obstacles. Your working environment will turn hostile and you will be surrounded by citizen jealous of you. In 2007, your Celestial Animal Pig is offending the Year TaiSui (Grand Duke Jupiter) and is simultaneously also in Self-Punishment formation with the Year God. This creates uncertainty in many aspects of your life, especially your Career. This will give you the momentum to do anything at anytime, even if you are not ready to do it. You will feel restless, will overlook your confines, refuse to recognise your weaknesses, misjudge citizen and situations and end up with a lot of troubles. In other words, you are your biggest enemy this year. Backed by the vigor of the TaiSui you will be continuously haunted by rumours and gossips and many of you will be back-stabbed more than once. You will be unable to perform anything on your own this year. So seek the advice and advice of friends or family members when you face problems. Many of you will lose your authority and power that you have been enjoying for quite some time now. Business persons should understand their boundaries and never overstep them. They should be defensive, low-profile and spend a lot of time in maintaining their status quo and in fighting off their competition. If you are an employee, accept the ground realities without resisting it and patiently wait for great times. Ignore provocations especially those from your colleagues or boss or you will end up losing a lot. There is no running away from the qoute either - changing job or an internal exchange will not serve any purpose right now. You would do somewhat great if your career is linked to sales, travels counter, tourism, import and exports. either you are self-employed or salaried worker, you are in dire need of the blessings of the TaiSui this year. Display the genuine, energised photographs of "Feng Ji, the 2007 TaiSui" and the "TaiSui protection Talisman for 2007" in the North West and carry their microscopic versions in your pocket or purse, for minimising the severe negative impacts. Do not attend burial ceremonies or cremation rituals this year.

Money Money luck is bad too. The flow of finance is not only irregular but insufficient also. Do not expect any windfall gains this year. Put in order shoe-string budgets and stick to it prudently. Put a reality check on your buying desires and balance your lifestyle to adapt the tough times. You might be forced to shift your home or office this year with a huge cost tagging it. Avoid investing in quick money schemes and the volatile share market. Do not sign as a guarantor for anybody. Draw up a contingency plan with accident funds - you might need it before the year runs out. Keep a set of 3 Qing Dynasty quadrate Coins with quadrate holes in the town : you need their emperor luck. If you were born in 1971, you could face a law suit.

Health Bad health, cuts, bleeds and injuries are some of the other penalties that you have to pay for have offended the Year TaiSui Feng Ji. Work fatigue, depression and insomnia will be constantly affecting your day to day life. Unwind, relax and meditate. Take capability food in time. Avoid risky sports. Be faithful when you take the stairs. Drive slowly and carefully. Obey the rules of the road religiously. Chances of a road accident is very real. Hang a golden metal Wou-Lou in your car to avoid motor accidents. Cope sharp metallic objects carefully. Visit your dentist commonly and get your teeth cleaned up. You can try and forestall the destined "bloodshed" by voluntarily donating blood. To minimise all the sick vigor surrounding you, hang a large, natural Chinese Wou-Lou by your bedside. If you were born in 1983, you might lose an elderly family member or a Business partner this year.

Love You do not have much love luck either this year. Singles have slim chances of finding a garage partner to decide down : they great combine on their career or studies. Married Pigs will have many domestic troubles. You will be dogged by rumours here too. Your unbalanced emotions and work stress will originate an environment of misunderstandings and conflicts and damage your marital life. If you are living away from your family and allow communication gaps to happen, you could even face separation. Spend capability time with your family. Be communicative and tolerant. Trust and allow to be trusted. Display the combined statue of the greatest cosmic combine : the Dragon & Phoenix in the South West of your bedroom to build up harmony. If you were born in 1983 and married, your marriage could break down unless you are very careful.

Studies An mean study luck combined with distractions from unwanted companionship will bring down your grades. Fix realistic targets and work for reaching them on a daily basis, to avoid disappointments. Install a Green Jade or Green Aventurine Pagoda Tower in the North East of your study room to perform great in your exams.

Birthstone : Moonstone Good Relationships with : Rabbit and Goat, for 2007 Conflicts with : Snake and Monkey, for 2007 Polarity Force : More Yin Lucky Numbers : 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 34, 41 and 48 Zodiac Protector : Amida or Amithabha (Sanskrit)

A Note About Remedies :

The above diagnosis has recommend some remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative vigor and has recommended determined enhancers for increasing and improving upon the useful vigor of the year. For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the single individual/family but also for the definite purpose/problem. They should also be settled in the indicated location, to get the maximum benefit. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the forthcoming new years, but they may have to be repositioned agreeing to the definite new year.

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